Hi, I'm Becky
I'm here to help you reignite that passion for your business and take it to the next level.
My mission is to help female business owners like you thrive. To bring that excitement and motivation back into your business. To show you are capable of going beyond what you thought was possible. To support you as you smash through that ceiling and think BIG about where your business could go. To get you back to feeling happy and fulfilled with work and life again.
I know it's possible as I've been where you are.
I had that niggle for a while saying 'what's next?' but nothing I came up with excited me like it did when I first started my business. I was craving different! Whilst I'd loved helping my clients find the right career for them, my lightbulb moment came after reflecting back on conversations with the women who had taken back control and created their own path. Who had followed their passions and created businesses to work for them and fit around their families. It was their passion, inspiration and determination to go for it that made me realise, YES, these are the women I want to help! These are the women I feel inspired by.
And I want to help you do the same too.
Maybe it's time to reassess what you DO want your business to look like going forward?
Maybe it's time to reconnect with what motivates you and what will bring that joy back?
Maybe it's time to get that little boost and start creating change?